ISNA Consultants Failed Muslims

By: The Committee For Crescent Observation International ISNA consultants ratified a “naked-eye sighting” claim by a lone witness from Phoenix, AZ against unanimous opinion of the astronomers. ISNA Muftis instantly approved this claim as “credible” against overwhelming odds and declared Eid on the last day of Ramadan. What happened to the scientific rule of “repeatability” […]
Towards Resolving the Recurring Moon-sighting Controversy

By Imam Zaid Shaki Zaytuna Institute adheres to the traditional principal that Islamic months begin and end based on the confirmed and verifiable sighting of the new crescent moon. While there have been claims of moonsightings on Wednesday November 2nd, they are extremely few and Zaytuna has been unable to establish their veracity and reliability according […]
Do ISNA Muftis know how to count?
Eid al-Fitr (1426)

ISNA Phoenix Witnesses: Three or One? ISNA Fiqh Council says that its unanimous decision to celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Thursday was made after its “Consultants” (Salamah and Mohib) authenticated sighting claims of three Muslims in Phoenix. Were three or only one witness? ISNA consultants checked only with one witness. He sent a Written statement: he […]
ISNA’s own expert does not endorse Wednesday’s unreliable moon sighting reports

After declaring ISNA’s decision for Eidul Fitr 1426 Br. Khalid Shaukat writes “This is put here for information only not as an endorsement.” Khalid Shaukat (statement taken from Br. Khalid Shaukat’s website on Wednesday November 02, 2005) Br. Khalid Shaukat also writes: “The Moonsighting Committee of the Majlis as-Shura of Philadelphia has determined by sure […]
When moon-sighting ends up as moon-fighting

Sh. Sikander Ziad Hashmi – Ramadan 1425 Once again, we find a moon sighting controversy on our hands. Regardless of whether or not the Ramadhan moon was really sighted in Austin, Texas, and whatever the status of the testimony, one thing is for sure: It leaves the average Muslim in a state of confusion. What […]
Determination of Eid al-Adha

Justice Maulana Mufti M. Taqi Usmani I have gone through the article of ISNA and with the utmost respect for their sentiment for Muslim unity, I am forced to say that the view expressed in the article (Eid al-Adha on next day of Arafat) is in total disagreement with the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, […]
Hilal Sighting in Saudi Arabia: A First Hand Report

Background Muslims in North America have made a good effort Alhamdulillah to do local sighting, especially with the coordination of ISNA, ICNA, WDM and NC, which together formed the Islamic Shura Council of North America. But still some insist on following the announcement from Saudi Arabia, which is often ahead of sighting (including my personal […]
Towards Resolving the Recurring Moon-sighting Controversy

Zaytuna Institute adheres to the traditional principal that Islamic months begin and end based on the confirmed and verifiable sighting of the new crescent moon. While there have been claims of moonsightings on Wednesday November 2nd, they are extremely few and Zaytuna has been unable to establish their veracity and reliability according to the criterion […]
Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Hajj?

SNA and some other groups have been enforcing a “BID’AH” on the Muslims in N. America, and elsewhere. They know that there is no “Daleel” in the Qur’an or the Sunnah for making it Eid al- Hajj but they argue: 1) Element of place is dominant for Eid al-Adha; 2) Muslim must show unity with […]